Many people who are good candidates for dental implants have decided not to have them placed because of false information that they have heard. We are here today to teach you the truth about dental implants. Dental implants involve a lot of technically advanced dental skills that are not necessarily taught to dentists during traditional training in dental school.

At Thaper Dental Clinic, one of the main pillars of our practice mindset is patient education. We want our patients to understand the dental procedures that they are undergoing and the reasons why they are undergoing these procedures.
#1 : Bridges are better than Dental Implants
If you are missing teeth, there are various ways that they can be replaced. Dental implants and fixed bridges are the two most common ways that this is done. With a bridge, your teeth next to the missing teeth are shaved down and a single unit bridge is placed over the reduced teeth.This bridge has a false tooth or multiple false teeth between the natural teeth. Dental Implants are a better option than bridges because they preserve the structure of the adjacent teeth. Bridges can cause the teeth around the missing teeth to bear more stresses, which can cause the bridge to fail over time and need to be replaced.