Third Molar Extraction
Expertise in Complicated extractions
The following conditions may require tooth extraction procedure:
Teeth that are rotten which cannot be repaired to prevent infection
For orthodontic treatment, a tooth needs to be removed to create space
Damaged teeth brought about by injuries such as trip or falls and sports accidents
Gum disease that affects the tissues and sockets in the gum that hold the teeth in place making it to become loose
Overcrowded teeth which is the result of having a smaller jaw
Eruption of wisdom teeth which can affect the positioning and spacing of other teeth

Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Your wisdom teeth are kind of like the appendix of your mouth. They’re there, but there’s really no reason for them, and sometimes they can unleash utter chaos upon your body.
They aren't necessary for one's overall chewing ability, so not everyone develops them. But if one does, these four teeth—two on top, two on bottom—are the third and final set of molars you'll get.

When is it required to extract the Wisdom Teeth?
When wisdom teeth cause problems, or X-rays show they might down the line, they need to come out. Other good reasons to take them out include:
Damage to other teeth: That extra set of molars can push your other teeth around, causing mouth pain and bite problems.
Jaw damage: Cysts can form around the new teeth. If they aren’t treated, they can hollow out your jaw and damage nerves.
Inflamed Gums: Tissue around the area can swell and may be hard to clean.
Cavities: Swollen gums can create pockets between teeth that help bacteria grow and cavities form.
Who can do your Wisdom tooth Extraction?
Wisdom teeth extraction is a complicated procedure. Only a Dental Surgeon trained in the skill should be doing this procedure. As there are nerves & sinus membrane near the wisdom teeth, so any mishap can lead to big damages to the patient. At Thaper Dental Clinic, our Dental Surgeons 'Dr Rakesh Thaper' & 'Dr Stuti Thaper' are experienced in such surgeries and receive patients from all over Rajasthan to get their Wisdom tooth extractions done here.
Risks Involved
After a Third Molar is removed, there are certain adverse circumstances you may experience:
Pain & swelling in your gums as well as tooth socket from where it was removed.
Bleeding that won't stop for about 24 hours.
Difficulty or pain while opening your jaw ( trismus ).
Slow-healing of gums around the extraction socket.
Numbness in your lips & mouth after the local anesthetic wears off, due to injury or inflammation of nerves in your jaw.
Rare side effects, including:
A fracture in your jaw if the tooth was firmly attached to the jaw bone.
An opening into the sinus cavity when a wisdom tooth is removed from the upper (maxillary) jaw.
Any Dental surgery can cause the bacteria in the mouth and air to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of your body. This is why we suggest patients to take antibiotics before & after dental surgery.
* People who have artificial heart valves or were born with heart defects or are suffering with any auto immune disease need to consult their doctor before undergoing any dental surgery.
Anesthetics (local and/or general) are almost always used during the extraction procedures.
A very common condition is painful inflammation in and around the tooth socket & is called "Dry Socket". which happens if the protective blood clot (formed after the extraction of the tooth) is lost too soon before the healing takes place. You do not need to panic in this situation as our doctors have therapies to improve on this condition. This will require two or more additional visits to our Dental Clinic.